Flexible brand identity to attract the next generation of charity donors

GivingWays combines various ways of giving to charities into a single online platform. Raffles, auctions, volunteering, and many other opportunities are reimagined to encourage a younger demographic to support good causes.

Brand Purist developed a meaningful brand name and a flexible brand identity. Built around an unconventional logo, GivingWays’ visual identity reflects the brand’s transformative and playful nature.

Pattern created from GivingWays’ flexible logomark.
White t-shirt with blue pattern on its front and GivingWays logotype on its sleeve. White tote bag featuring the slogan 'All the ways of Giving' in a unique type design.


Brand research

GivingWays had a different brand identity when they first approached us. Their existing name and logo posed a potential barrier to attracting their desired audience – young people under thirty, who are less likely to support charities than previous generations.

Extensive desk research, persona, and empathy mapping exercises helped uncover the target audience’s needs. Young people yearn for recognition and responsibility but see charities as dated and uninspiring.


Brand strategy

In response to research insights, we distilled GivingWays’ brand values to set them apart from the competition.

Combined, these core ideals represent what GivingWays believes in and offer a foundation for a brand identity that could disrupt the market:

  • Transformative: Evolving the ways charities engage with young people.
  • Rewarding: Making the interactions with charities a more fulfilling experience.
  • Honest: Listening to the community, being fair and transparent.

Brand naming

Finding a meaningful name that was also available as an authoritative .com domain demanded intensive exploration. GivingWays met all our criteria, inspiring messaging and jump-starting visual design.

Advertising billboard for GivingWays with white type design of the word 'giving' on blue background.
GivingWays logo used as a framing device for photography, here on a 64 sheet billboard.
'I love giving' type design on outdoor advertising for GivingWays. Billboard design for GivingWays featuring the message ‘Changing the way charities engage with young people’.


Brand design

It’s a rare opportunity when a brand name seamlessly translates to a visual representation.

We designed a flexible identity system that expresses the meaning behind the GivingWays name in a playful, yet unconventional manner.

Logo design

After selecting a geometric typeface with a friendly personality, we designed a neat GivingWays logotype. We also took the G.W. initials and connected them with simple lines to create a distinct and innovative mark. It’s an effortless interpretation of the name and how the GivingWays platform connects donors with charities.

The fluid logo can adapt to its surroundings, signifying the platform’s game-like experience and the wide-ranging ways people can support charities.

GivingWays logotype overarched by lines connecting the letters G and W.

Type design

The logomark’s aesthetics can be translated into a unique typeface design. We constructed a cursive font with a clear visual connection to the logo.

Visual identity

The GivingWays mark can be used creatively as a background pattern or framing device for images. The three lines inspired by the logo, and the prominent white-blue, duotone colour palette ensure a cohesive visual identity that grabs the target audience’s attention.

GivingWays stationery items such as letterhead, business cards, compliment slips and badges.


Brand implementation

After the proposed name, tagline and design approach were signed off, we began designing the GivingWays online platform. Months of close partnership with the development team followed to bring to life the founder’s vision.

Web design

We delivered the platform’s interface visuals, complete with a unique type design, icons and patterns. We liaised with the developers to implement our designs, providing detailed specifications and guidance.

Icon design

We developed a bespoke icon style matching the logomark’s rounded and linear aesthetics. Icons help break up written content, add visual interest, and aid navigation on GivingWays’ platform.

A set of icons designed for the GivingWays ecommerce platform, matching the style of the GivingWays logo.

Ready to elevate your organisation’s branding? Get in touch to find out how we can help you.